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Patron Conduct Policy

The Round Lake Library values its responsibility to enhance the general welfare and quality of life in the community and region it serves. The library pursues excellence and fulfills its mission by providing library and information services to people living in our charter service area and cooperating in the interlibrary resource sharing programs of the Southern Adirondack Library System.

Library patrons have the right to use library materials and services without being disturbed or impeded by other library users. Library staff has the right and obligation to conduct library business efficiently and without interference. Patrons and staff alike have the right to safety and comfort in the library and on the grounds.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for determining rules of behavior necessary to protect the rights, safety, and comfort of patrons and staff. Library staff have been entrusted to courteously, but firmly, enforce these rules.

Rules of behavior

  1. Patrons must provide a library card or valid picture ID to check out library materials.
  2. Children under the age of eight must not be left unattended in the library. If a parent cannot be located at closing time or in an emergency, staff will contact the Saratoga County Sheriff station (518-885-2450) to request assistance.
  3. Conduct prohibited in the library includes but is not limited to:
    • Public disturbance
    • Loud, offensive or abusive language
    • Sleeping
    • Distribution of leaflets within the library or impeding anyone’s progress into or out of the library for such purposes
    • Gambling
    • Loitering
    • Eating/drinking (except for designated programs or activities)
    • Using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
    • Smoking
  4. Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes must be worn all times.
  5. Animals, except those specifically required for service purposes, are not permitted within the library building.
  6. There is a limit of one patron per computer, except as necessary to assist a small child.
  7. Activities such as skateboarding, in-line skating, and bicycling are not permitted inside the library building.
  8. Personal electronic devices must not disturb other patrons. Phone conversations should be outside whenever possible and library staff reserves the right to ask the patron to leave the library to conduct a phone conversation.
  9. Patrons shall not the deface, mar, or in any way destroy or damage any material, furnishings, equipment or other library property.
  10. Patrons should park motor vehicles in designated parking area.

Any patron not abiding by these or other rules and regulations of the library may be asked to leave the library premise by library staff. A report may be filed with the Library Director. In the case of students under the age of 18, a parent maybe contacted.

Repeat offenders may be denied library privileges by the Library Director.

Library staff may contact the Saratoga County sheriff department if necessary.

  • Adopted by the Board of Trustees 4/21/2002
  • Review 3/9/2004
  • Revised 5/13/2008
  • Revised 4/8/2014

Confidentiality of Library Patron Records and Patron Privacy

The Round Lake Library supports every patron’s right to have his/her library records remain confidential. The library collects only that personally identifiable information about patrons which is necessary to ensure the proper operation of the library and otherwise required for accessing library resources or participating in library functions. Library records include registration data, circulation records, overdue and reserve records, participation in library sponsored programs, record of library visit and/or any data that contain information that links a specific patron to specific materials or services used. Each patron has individual control over his or her borrower’s card and presentation of the card permits access to information about the borrower’s current circulation record. Except during the actual period of transaction (circulation, maintenance of record on unpaid fines, reservation of materials), the library will not maintain a record of an individual borrower’s transactions. No information will be released to any person, agency, or organizations except in response to a valid court order, subpoena or search warrant properly presented to the Library Director and Board President. Any requests for such information should be referred to the Board of Trustees. Nothing in this policy shall prevent authorized library personnel from using library records in the administration of their regular duties. By separate action the Round Lake Library has endorsed the recommendations of the American Library Association’s policy on Confidentiality of Library Records.

Policies and Procedures Regarding Disclosure of Library Records

The Round Lake Library, being a part of the Southern Adirondack Library System will follow the joint automation counsel of the Mohawk Valley Library System and Southern Adirondack Library System procedures set forth herein:The Joint Automation Council of Mohawk Valley Library System and Southern Adirondack Library System supports our nation’s efforts to preserve and protect the many hard-fought freedoms we enjoy as Americans. We have the responsibility of protecting the privacy of our patrons in accordance with New York State Law.Therefore, we will do our utmost to uphold the privacy and confidentiality of patrons’ free access to information while responding to legitimate security concerns.Library records, as defined by NYS law 45091, should not be released or made available in any format to a federal agent, law enforcement officer or other person unless a court of competent jurisdiction has entered a court order in proper form.The Joint Automation Project does not record patron usage of database searches, individual member library computer use or interlibrary loan requests for materials outside of the systems. Library records that are not necessary for the proper operation of member libraries and our systems are purged after 30 days.

Law Enforcement Information Requests

The Round Lake Library staff will observe the following procedures for the law enforcement officer presents a court order, subpoena, or a search warrant at the library.Staff who are approached by anyone alleging to be a law-enforcement official requesting information with:

Court Order or Subpoena

  1. Do not disclose to that individual any information
  2. Read the document
  3. Call the Library Director
  4. If the Library Director is not available contact the President of the Library Board of Trustees
  5. Take law enforcement official’s name and badge number

The library’s council may review a court order or subpoena before the law enforcement proceeds
to enforce it. A search warrant is immediately enforceable.

Search Warrant

  1. Call the Library Director, President of the Board of Trustees
  2. Read the document
  3. Do not interfere with the search
  4. Provide information requested but do not suggest alternatives to the requested information
  5. Personally retrieve the requested information and supply to the law enforcement agency. Otherwise, allowing the law-enforcement agency to perform its own retrieval may compromise confidential information that is not subject to the current request.
  6. Be aware that the law enforcement agency may be authorized to remove equipment from the library, such as computer hard drives 1 New York State Law 4509: see appendix
  7. Take law-enforcement official’s name and badge number

These requests can happen at nonstandard times such as weekends or nights. Library staff and trustees should note that request made under the USA Patriot Act must come from the Federal Bureau of investigation and are not valid from state or local agencies.

  • Approved by the Board of Trustees 3/4/2003
  • Reviewed 3/9/2004
  • Revised 4/8/2014

Circulation Policy


Reference books and materials do not circulate.

New and Popular Books:

  • New and Popular bestsellers, both fiction and non-fiction, are loaned for 14 days
  • There are no renewals for New and Popular Fiction items
  • New and Popular non-fiction items have 1 renewal available if no requests need to be filled
  • Anyone with a valid SALS/MVLS library card may borrow new and popular materials, but such material will not be sent out to other libraries to fill requests

Books (including Audio Books)

  • Books and Audio Books are loaned for 28 days
  • 2 renewals can be given if no requests need to be filled


  • The loan period for DVDs is 7 days
  • There is 1 renewal if no requests need to be filled
  • Movies with a rating of R may only be loaned on an adult card (18 and over)
  • Juvenile cardholders may check out DVDs (ratings of G & PG) with a signed permission form

  • Revised 11/14/2011
  • Revised 9/10/2013
  • Reviewed 4/8/2014

Internet Access

The Round Lake Library in the town of Malta offers access to electronic resources as part of its mission to provide services and materials in a variety of formats to meet the information, education and recreation needs of the community. The New York State Department of Education officially encourages libraries to provide access to electronic resources.

The library does not warrant information found on the Internet to be accurate, authoritative, factual, timely, or useful for patron’s purposes. The Internet is a global entity that does not fall under the control of governance of any single agency, government, or organization. The availability of networked information via library terminals does not constitute the libraries endorsement of the contents of that information. The library cannot control the accuracy of nor the validity of the information, availability of links, or materials that may find offensive. If any patient believes that information obtained via library terminals isn’t accurate or offensive, the patron should contact the original producer or distributor of the information.

It is the library’s policy that parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding what library materials and resources are appropriate for their minor children. Supervision or restriction of a child access to the Internet, as with other library resources, is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. All young persons under the age of 18 must have the signed permission of the parent or guardian to access the Internet. Children aged 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult in order to access the Internet. Parents and guardians must sign the parent/guardian contract portion of the Round Lake Library Internet Policy for children under the age of 18.

All persons using the library access to the Internet must read the Internet access policy and sign the contract portion. Users need to be reasonably sufficient in computer usage as we do not have the resources to offer extensive help.

All users of electronic resources are expected to use these resources in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the standards and rules of the library and of the community. The library reserves the right to enforce a time allowance of 30 minutes per session. However, patrons may request 60 minutes at the beginning of their session. If no one is waiting, sessions may be extended until such time as another patron requests use of the Internet. Printing will be limited to that which can be completed within the allotted time and may be stopped at the end of that time. There’ll be a charge of $.20 per page to defray costs (black and white printing).

Patrons may not use terminals for purposes that are inappropriate, illegal, or criminal, including but not limited to:

  • Violation of computer system security
  • Unauthorized use of computer accounts or access codes
  • Obstruction or disruption of other’s work
  • Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
  • Damaging computers, computer systems for computer networks
  • Violating copyright laws
  • Using another’s password
  • Trespassing in another’s folders, work or files
  • Intentionally wasting limited resources
  • Employing the network for commercial purposes

Viewing material of a generally inappropriate or offensive nature, including sexually explicit materials, is not allowed. Any patron viewing content inappropriate for a public building will be asked to stop and, if they do not comply, will be asked to leave for the day. If the misuse continues the patron will be banned from using the Internet at the library.

Violations may result in a loss of access as well as legal action.

The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility, including copyright, arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, for any consequences thereof.

This policy maybe revised from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.

  • Approved by the Board of Trustees 3/6/1998
  • Revised 6/9/2002
  • Reviewed 3/9/2004
  • Revised 4/8/2014

Library Charges and Fees

The Round Lake Library does not charge overdue fees on regular 28 day loan items.

Overdue fees are charged only on New and Popular 14 Day Items and New DVD Releases.

This change was made on July 13, 2021; effective September 1, 2021.

New & Popular 14 Day Items

  • Overdue fines are $.20 per day/per item
  • There is a maximum fine of $5.00 per item

New Release DVDs

  • Overdue fines are $1 per day/per item
  • There is a maximum fine of $10 per item

Cardholders with more than $10 in outstanding charges will lose borrowing privileges until the fine is paid.

Lost/Damaged Items

Library items that are lost and or damaged by a patron will be resolved by:

  1. Replacement cost of the item; or
  2. Replacement of exact replica of the item

Overdue Procedure

Phone calls or email notices for overdue items are made seven days after the item is due.

After 30 days, the replacement cost of the item is placed on the patron card plus the overdue fines that have accumulated.

Bills for overdue items will be sent to patron via US mail as well as email for those who have email notification.

Library charges and fees may be modified at any time by a resolution of the Board of Trustees.

  • Revised 11/14/2011
  • Revised 9/10/2013
  • Reviewed 4/8/2014
  • Revised 7/13/2021

Use of Conference Room

When not scheduled for library programs, the Round Lake Library Malta Branch conference room is available to the public under the following conditions:

  1. The conference room is available for use during the normal operating hours of library.
  2. The individual reserving and using the room must have a valid library card from either the Southern Adirondack Library System or the Mohawk Valley Library System and be in good standing.
  3. The conference room maybe reserved by an individual or group in advance as follows:
    • Individuals may reserve the conference room up to 2 weeks in advance
    • Groups may reserve the conference room up to 2 months in advance
  4. The conference room maybe reserved in the following time increments:
    • Individuals may reserve a single one-hour block at a time
      • If room is not reserved for the next hour an individual may request another hour
    • Groups may reserve up to a 3-hour time block

Senior staff or the Library Director may approve special requests for longer time periods.

To reserve the conference room please sign up at the circulation desk or call the library at 682-2495.

  • Adopted by the Board of Trustees 2010
  • Revised 4/8/2014

Photography in the Library

No one may use photographic equipment, including personal electronic devices, in the library without prior permission from the Library Director. Anyone attempting to take photos/film/videos without prior permission will be advised of this policy and may be asked to leave the library. Continued failure to obtain prior permission may result in the loss of library privileges. Professional filmmakers, videographers and/or photographers may request to use the library as a venue for filming at a compensation rate to be determined by the Board of Trustees.

  • Adopted by the Board of Trustees 1/2012
  • Reviewed 4/8/2014

Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

  1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
  4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
  5. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
  6. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948;
February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23,

Social Media Policy

The library uses social media to provide additional communication and promotion of library news, events, and services among library trustees, library staff, patrons and the community. This policy governs the use of the library’s social media accounts, publication of comments and staff responses.


Social media is defined as any web-based tool or application established for online interaction and connection. The library maintains a presence on several social media sites including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the library website.

Use of Library Accounts:

The library social media usage may include information regarding library programs, services, news, events as well as useful and entertaining information. The Round Lake Library promotes positive interaction with the community and welcomes comments, posts and messages that foster an atmosphere of education and learning.

Users should have no expectation of privacy in postings on Library social media sites. The library does not collect, maintain, or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third-party site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site. Users should be aware that third party websites may have their own privacy policies. The library is not responsible for any of the patron generated comments/content that appears on the social platform. A posted comment is the opinion of the poster only and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement or agreement by the Round Lake Library.

Publication of Comments:

The library welcomes comments, posts, and messages from the community, while recognizing and respecting difference of opinion and upholding the standards set forth in the Library’s Patron Code of Conduct policy. Comments expressed on the library’s social media accounts do not reflect the views or positions of the library, its staff, or Trustees. The library may repost content from and/or follow community partners, however the act of following a page does not imply endorsement by the library.

Staff will monitor the content and comments on the library’s social media sites and reserve the right to remove any comments or postings that contain the following type of negative content:

  • Obscene comments or hate speech
  • Personal attacks, harassment, or threatening language
  • Potentially libelous statements
  • Copyright infringement/plagiarized material
  • Commercial messages or spam
  • Private or personal information
  • Political advocacy
  • Photos or other images that may fall in any of the above categories
  • Posts that violate laws or library policies

Violators of this policy will have their user profiles blocked.

When using social media to promote library events, news and other information, staff posts and responses on social media will be professional, accurate and in keeping with the library’s mission.


Social media content is the responsibility of Director and designated staff.

It is the responsibility of the Director to interpret and apply this policy. The Director will report to the Library Trustees at a regular monthly meeting when submitted items have been removed based on the criteria set forth in this policy.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 1/10/2023